Web deployment task failed

Discussion in 'TFS service' started by onkarpathre, Mar 28, 2012.

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  1. I am trying to publish a site on stage environment which is located in data center.
    I am getting the following error deployment error after VS shows publish site in temp location

    Error 946 Web deployment task failed.(Could not complete the request to remote agent URL 'http://domainname/msdeployagentservice'.)
    Could not complete the request to remote agent URL 'http://domainname/msdeployagentservice'.
    Chunked encoding upload is not supported on the HTTP/1.0 protocol. 0 0

    I have done following thing already but no luck,
    • Enabled the "Web Deployment Tool" MS IIS Manager in my IIS tools in the control panel.
    • Changed the .NET version to 4.0 and the app pool pipeline mode is "Integrated".
    • Required credential are given to service and application
    what are other settings do I need to change?:confused:
  2. RayH

    RayH DiscountASP.NET Lackey DiscountASP.NET Staff

    Double check the Web Deployment settings and check to see if antivirus/firewall software may be interfering with the connection.
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